
For many pigeon fanciers paratyphus or salmonellosis is the most feared pigeon disease. The causative agent is the Salmonella typhimurium var. Copenhagen bacteria who’s presence in our pigeon lofts is much higher than generally supposed. This affection mostly causes intestinal problems (diarrhoea) but can also penetrate the intestinal tract and cause internal and neurotic problems.

In a lot of pigeon lofts this bacteria causes bad breeding- and competition performances without any clearly visible clinical signs. Therefore we recommend to treat twice a year preventively. Direct contact with contaminated pigeons or their droppings is the infection way by which the affection is being transmitted. There is also vertical transmission from parent to young through the egg.

Clinical symptoms

  • Intestinal disease: an intestinal infection with green and watery droppings.
  • Joint disease: swelling of the joint of the elbow or heel, with as result: limping and a hanging wing.
  • Organic disease: tumours and abscesses on the liver, the spleen, the heart and the ovaries, leading to a diminished fertility and sometimes even to death of the youngsters.
  • Nervous disease: a disturbed balance and signs of paralysis.
  • Acute disease: a high mortality of nestlings and recently weaned youngsters.

Own photo


In case of illness:

  • Stop immediately all breeding activities in order to reduce the infection risk.
  • Eliminate all pigeons with obvious severe clinical signs from the pigeon loft.
  • Treat all pigeons during 14 days with Theraprim (1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon per 2 litres of drinking water).
  • 3 to 5 days after this treatment vaccinate all pigeons with a dead vaccine.

As prevention:

  • Vaccinate all pigeons. Before the vaccination treat all pigeons with Theraprim (1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon per 2 litres of drinking water).
  • Improve the resistance/immunity of the pigeons by regular administration of Globifly and/or Intestinal Top.
  • Keep a clean, hygienic pigeon loft without overpopulation.
  • Before the racing season and the breeding season treat preventively once during 8 days with Theraprim (1 sachet or 1 measuring spoon per 2 litres of drinking water).